Monday, March 29, 2010

Boundless Aspirations

Aspirations arise everyday..leaving back an urge towards them
Some of them are attainable,others unattainable but most seeked upon..
I aspire to travel the world
I aspire to start playing guitar again
I aspire to become a designer
I aspire to prove myself
I aspire to do a lot more..
Aspirations are eternal and infinte ,to me they occur every second
Its impetus compels me to go beyond my limits
To rediscover myself within ..although i am perplexed to prioritize my aspirations.
Everyone has aspirations which connect deeply to their hearts..
Its the choice which chooses our standpoint also baptized as DESTINY...

Friday, March 26, 2010


A few years back when i was asked what i want to become
I used to say a "Face in the Crowd"
Little did i know that the crowd doesn't care !
Crowd pulls you down and makes you face denial
People come ..people just move on in life
Time heals up everything and the crowd once mattered disappears
The reality pops in which is you and your innerself
The human nature is so adaptive ..its said that anything you do continously for 21 days and you get used to it....strange!
Crowd just passes by...along with the criticism and compliments..down the line individuality does magic...
The people once so affectionate don't even remember your name
Nothing matters in life only your individuality and hearts speaks
Its mystifying that we rarely peek into our own selves..what we really want?
All this while we are doing things to woo the crowd
Lets start doing those little things to pamper ourselves
Lets start seeing good things in people around us
Lets just leap forward the crowd....and fly in the sky of our own dreams

Thursday, March 25, 2010


Grievances are so well imbibed in our daily life that we hardly notice..
Grievances for the past,present, future although the past one is the more nostalgic
Even the worst options of past,not chosen ,leads to grievances
The better options of the present ,chosen,leads to grievances
The everchanging options of the future,ambigous,leads to grievances
Grievances is something we are fond of and love to stay with
The harder we try to forget the harder it bounces back with more regret
We chase grievances in every way whether socialising, working,relaxing,enjoying
And the best part of this grievance virus is empties you within
It will stay with you forever filling you with that miserable feeling of something you can't control
We all come across such grievances where we reconsider ourselves again and again
Reconsidering the reasons for not being reasonable at the time of need
These lines from T.S. Eliot's "Prufrock"stands true:
Time for you and time for me,And time yet for a hundred indecisions
And for a hundred visions and revisions,Before the taking of a toast and tea.....

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Unpredictible life

Life sometimes seems usual sometimes bizarre
The same old path seems new,drives us to react differently
The same old turns seems unturned ,as they show a different destiny
There are times when we feel that that where are we heading
Are we the same old amibitious human being heading towards the same destiny
or do we have to achieve new targets
The unpredictibility of life is so unknown that even life can't tell
The phases of life whether ups and downs , mood swings, incidences
occur in such a manner that it forces us to think ...can we really live the life we want??
As life passes by many a times life touches us and tempts us to start all over again
Again the same path ..same companion ..but different destiny........