Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Soulmate System..

I was recently reading this book...on life and soulmates
So according to the book each soul divides itself when incarnated
One part of which is male and another is female
Therefore u will always have a soul mate and you should try searching for them
It will cross u somewhere for moments or for years ..but u have to identify
They say that Adam's soul divided to give birth to eve..thats how they met..
It even says that you can have more than one soulmate..since a soul keeps on dividing on every incarnation
That generally leads to pain and suffering...
The point here is that if the souls have been divided for so long why are they not becoming weak...
So the book says that they don't become weak coz in every life they find love which gives them power...
As per this theory its strange to understand the soulmate system..that someone somewhere is made for uand u have to chase
What if....we find a wrong person and feel that they are our soulmates
what if...we never find a soulmate or fail to identify...
Heart and eyes play a major role...whenever heart pounds for someone real fast...or u see a twinkle in someone eyes every time they see you
He/she is the one...just don't loose any opportunity to spend a lifetime..

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Phase marches in and out

How hard a situation is just vanishes after a while or rather calms itself
First we face it for the first time and slowly we be-friends it...
Phases of all sorts whether good or bad...whether fleeting or dawdling...they say..this too shall pass...
The vicious circle of our petty pity, anger..and frustration marches out with time...
Time,they say heals...heals watever remains as the grudge in heart..
Time has the power to set thing on right track at right timings...
We have to just trust our time...have to keep patience n positivity..
So next time when the phase marches in... just be pragmatic coz it will march out soon:)

Crazy hopes...

Everybody talks about taking a leap of faith...
For me...i think hope and faith are crazy things or just like a oxygen for the person on the ventilator..
Where the body is incapable of living still its given a "HOPE" to live artificially..
Hope gives u a false grip upon things u wish....
Always experience the fear and anxiety associated with hope..
So why the hell hope...
We as a human always take delight in taking up things which are negative in nature
Whether risk...hope...dreams...i know a lot of ppl here will disagree as these have to be taken in order to rise high...
This leap of faith which i talked about earlier is like talk of the town...whether u fall or rise
It so easy to say phrases related to hope ...dreams ...i think u shud do what the time requires u to do at that time...
No sadness...and u will be able to utilize ur full potential....

When u loose...then u gain "REALISATION"

Sometimes the realisation comes later than the action...
Till the time the person is there whether u pay attention or really doesn't matter
Then one fine day when that person belongs to somebody else
Everything becomes mere sand in an hour-glass
Why heart always skips a beat with older memories......
Why dreams still holds the past...
Why all of a sudden that person who was just nobody becomes a wish or rather possesion..
With account of all the negative things about still long for their presence in your lives...
Things are always taken for granted because of which even the last good byes are weird...
Its hard to understand..whether mind really doesn't understand the heart or whether it is too fool to realise till the time it looses someone special...