How much can you give and if you don't recieve the same frequency how much can you emit ?
Musing mind...craving thoughts on anything and everything...with a distinctive taste
Friday, December 2, 2016
Overboard with emotions!
How much can you give and if you don't recieve the same frequency how much can you emit ?
Monday, November 14, 2016
Of Passion and Self love
The first time I was without you, I couldn't find a way on my own , I was like a phoenix which couldn't resurrect, that's how much I depended on you, but you never realized the madness I carried in my heart and soul for you. There were ways to define my love for you but I hardly could find words or synergize with your energy.
The second time I was without of you ..I was strong, strong enough to hide my weakness without you, I understood that by this time you are used to the fact that I can live without you. You took me lightly again and I broke down to pieces in my heart, but I stood strong thankfully you taught that very well to me.
Then again a time came when we met , we met fiercely in the same tangent this time procrastinating the going away time this time. Everything looks same now as the first time with you and I passionately in love , the only thing remains changed that I am unaffected by your behavior , I am strong in my heart and mind. I am no longer afraid of you leaving neither do I am refraining to keep myself away from you.Because I know somewhere in my mind that although our love is persistent but still we were never on the same page and you will still go away.
So here I am all strong headed, unaffected and self dependent , I realized in the due course that you don't need anyone else to assure you or praise you all along the way and you can do it pretty well yourself . We do get dependent on relationships in life and they become our main reasons to be stay alive but believe me striving for self happiness is the only thing which will help us in long run and makes us keep going.
Tuesday, November 8, 2016
Grecian Memories -Travel Diaries
There are approximately 1500 islands in Greece few of them are very popular and touristy like Corfu , Crete, Mykonos ,.Santorini , Rhodes to name a few! We covered Athens, Mykonos , Santorini and a day cruise of 3 islands.
After lunch we headed to a Monstriaki station through Metroit was a hep place with a proximity to Acropolis in rear view to the streets with cafes and old houses on the side leading to the acropolis muesuem and the Acropolis. The walk was beautiful in the middle of the town, the cobbled streets, the famous plaka stairs.Metro is quite easy to use and convinient too with 3 lines in working it makes travelling alot comfortable. We visited the Acropolis muesuem too and after dinner and a delicious homemade famous gelato we headed back to the apartment.
If was a red cliff with red sand and absoloutely clear water, the sight was rare and fulfilling then we headed for the town of Akrotiri where we visited La Ponta a 800 year old Venetian castle which is restored privately,where musical programmes happen. It was on the top of the village crossing the authentic street and houses of the locals. Then we headed for the last tip of the island where the lighthouse was located but as we found it too far we just stopped by on a local and traditional restaurant with authentic Greek food and we relished every bite . We came back to the hotel and checked out as we headed for a cave house experience in Oia. The Cave house in Oia was a different experience with the rooms built in cave style even the bathrooms..Oia has lot of hotels with cave style room , it is very scenic and beautiful place and a must visit to enjoy the view of the cliff from these Cave houses. In the evening we explore Oia, it is one of the poshest places in Santorini with high end restaurants and shops. We finished the day with photographs and an Italian cuisine last but not the least we tried Ouzo the very renowned drink of the Greek island.
And finally it was time to head back home with a mind full of memories and heart full on the brim. It will always be one of my memorable trips.
Friday, September 23, 2016
Time and Again
Time and again i feel lucky that our paths crossed
Time and again i pinch myself to make sure if its real...that i have you..
Time and again i miss you a small child wanting to wrap you in her arms...
Time and again how i wish if i could spend each second of my life with you...
Time and again i try to hold myself to not to over react in your absence
Time and again i fail because i don't want towaste our time together..
Time and again i feel miserable after speaking so much also i can't express what you are to me...
Time and again your simplicity takes me by an awe...your control makes me want more of u...n ofcourse your love to look forward to..
Time and again i fall in love with u over n over...
Time and again i become sure that u r the only one whom i was looking for...and there is nothing more i could ever ask for..
Tuesday, September 6, 2016
Slow down
Slow down a bit and enjoy it all
In no time everything will change
And later you will regret it all
Slow down a bit its not a race to finish
Slow down a bit this phase will also diminish You will wonder where did the years ran away
I was young just a while ago making the moments fray..
Slow down a bit to look at your body sometimes Slow down a bit and make it worthwhile Thrash the ego, wear a smile, leave your mark in everyones heart
Because you know soon it will all become past Slow down a bit make time for your family
Slow down a bit dont let the stress sway
A life so small to live is running away so far away We are holding up the grudges to make our speed slow and fray
Miss it or make most of it is the option we have to get away
Slow down a bit to travel to explore the world so big
Slow down a bit to relish a 5 course meal!
Spend the time with people you love
Or follow your heart's passion with a great deal Slow down a bit there you are running too fast Slow down a bit there is much more to life than only that!

Friday, July 29, 2016
Pokemon GO hustle
As the Pokemon go game is trending on the internet after a limited release including few countries never did i know that it will affect me also in a way..
The time for releasing the game was perfect as the summer holidays started in most of the western countries..secondly it dealt with a character that is well associated "pokemon"...thirdly they kept the concept the same of catching a particular pokemon, and lastly but largly its just addictive, there seems to be 142 pokemon variety (thanks to the pokedex which tells you all the available pokemons)where you can have multiple of each , the pokeballs are something you need to catch them with and you get them from the pokestops...(which here in my city is just one the train station)
So obviously the balls are vital and not all balls can catch the desired pokemon some goes in vain...on top of all this game detects your location and shows all the pokemon nearby on a real time map...most of them located at weird places like in the middle of a garden...on top of the bridge...around a a particular house...n all the crazy and weird places you can think about!
All this and more information credentials goes to my two nephews 12 and 16 respectively who enlightened me in the last 10 a result i am technically dragging my car (below 20 kmph) on the road to let their pokemon eggs hatch..i am going to train station and buying a parking token to just stand there and get the free pokeballs...i apply brakes at most crucial places sometimes even in the middle of the road with a traffic signal...i am going to and around all the parks ..i never even knew exist, taking up lanes which were never explored!
Not only that my 5 yr old (who never heard about this pokemon ) knows the whole encylopedia about Pokemon and demands me to buy him some pokemon related toys! This game is taking up lot of focus from the daily lives , as the game goes wherever you go in the real time , and also there is no end to it But I am glad that , that it is taking the kids out of their comfort zones, of roaming outside in the open, they get happy to see people playing the same on the streets. Its a small city so nothing is that crazy!but the big cities must be challeneged with the craziness caused!
I was tempted to download it but thankfully i am off the grids for now....for rest of you who are the pokemon go lovers following the hustling , looking around for the rare pokemons as if discovering a pot full of gold! This pokemon go has caused a phenomena , where technology is blended with the openspaces...and i never knew that it will take me places too.
Tuesday, June 28, 2016
Are we really irreplacable?
So many times we come across this statement in our varied relationships--"No one can take your place" or "you are irreplaceable "but how much do you think it stand true...are we really irreplaceable? People come and people go and their fond memories is what captivates us and make them stand out. All our lives we just keep knitting memories some good and some bad; we are known for some and almost forgotten for the other few. While building up all these memories we somehow setup a notion that we no longer can experience similar or better memories with any other person. Our brain stores them as the best of all thus we say that no one can take place of a particular person in our lives.
It seems so foolish to believe so. It takes away the chances of meeting someone new and completely ruins the chances of getting much closer too! I believe that our heart is too fragile and gullible to carry in line with the brain, maybe that's the reason why there are people who experience falling in love more than 1 time because heart carries on the seeking, of a likehearted soul.
The heartbreaks have changed thanks to facebook for cheering up and helping recovering faster,the falling in love has changed thanks to instagram to display it better , being together has become acceptable thanks to the tweeting trolls.Everything and everyone has lost its value and still the technology is helping us to survive.In midst of this if anyone says that "no one can take your place " i completely fail to rely.
The loyalties today are shaken up and the meaning of the words in today's life are lost and there is no way to get those back, and ofcourse each one of us are replacable in thus volatile world! I hope i differ to agree later on this but thats the hard fact to accept.
Monday, May 30, 2016
Good old days
After looking at our parents I feel that their generation has lived the best of all the times, neither they were technology dependent nor were full of such demanding aspirations. They have the best of both the eras although they have very well accepted the new way of life still they firmly follow their older selves. Nothing can beat the hard work and discipline which our Fathers have and we are no where near to our Mothers' dedication,devotion and sacrifices. The new generation Moms although are hi-tech with all the resources which were hardly available before, crib about their style of life and how much they have to do in how less of a time.They managed so well with less than half of the resources and double the satisfaction we have. They used to sleep peacefully, cook their heart out, listen deeply and devoted the whole time in raising the kids.
They had a comparatively toned down life too, less of TV, internet and WIFI ,although they were missing out on a lot of things we do nowadays but it hardly mattered that time because there was no thing like that before (you only miss a thing after you get introduced to it)life seemed so calm and sorted out. There was no pressure of replying a blue ticked message on what's app; or liking a photo ;or wishing a birthday; or tweeting/ instagramming. You had a better way to escape the unwanted things without being caught red handed about avoiding the same.
There were no cell phones and believe me people existed, travelled even delivered babies without being informed over the mobile phone. Telegrams, postcards , handwritten letter always kept people on toes waiting for the postman to arrive, it must have been enticing to be not in touch , people knew the real meaning of the word missing and not like today when we are so available that we are hardly taken seriously by anyone.
The work for females was only profounded to family and household, I am glad we are brought up in that way, I cannot imagine my Mom gone away when I came back from school! They were only expected to sew, cook, look after the house errands and kids, though they gave the whole lot of energies to build our foundations, but after becoming a Mom myself I have realized what a mammoth responsibility it is! To do even that much, to look after the house and the kids with all the facilities take up my whole day I don't know how did my Mom do so well with no support at all.
Money was important I feel but not was a primary motive, like today's world where everyone is running in an invisible, unending race to achieve something that is so material that it takes a toll on the relationships as well as health. For them the relationships were foremost with an added advantage of a close knitted families to lean on for an extra care and support. The festivals were joyous,pompous and more meaningful not like today's where half are celebrated half heartedly and the other half are forgotten admist of all the lingering...I don't know how much we can pass on to our kids, the rituals,the reason to celebrate a particular occassion.
Also i realised that at their time the health issues were not as common as there are now like every second person has some or the other problem, they led a healthier lives with early to bed and early to rise unlike our late nights' schedule.
Migration towards the big cities have increased manifolds leaving the parents alone on their one can help this scenario but yes it is difficult for us as well as them, our parents who are left behind feeling lonely..and we getting nuclear and distant day by day ...hope we take a u turn sometime soon, ofcourse not leaving the resources we have now towards a better quality and calmer version of our lives passing on a rich cultural values to the coming generation.
Tuesday, April 26, 2016
Mom's Missing report : Tv Remote
The Motherhood this time has been quite an adventure as if i am playing all the treasure hunts at one time of all the 30 years combined together..Being a MBA in Retail (the degree has been depreciated though) a thought got clicked....why not connecting Motherhood with RFID technology...LOL
For all those who are thinking what this RFID tag means , they are radio frequency identification tags which with the help of electromagnetic field can be identified or tracked ! So if i tag few of my important things ,atleast some of my treasure hunts will subside!
You must be thinking that I am really going bonkers...yes motherhood has taken a toll on me but i am completely sane (atleast as of now ;)) Ok so here is the deal...My younger kid is an active toddler...sometimes hyper too. So he just keeps anything anywhere...anywhere includes the garbage bag too!! Hence i have surrendered with all my strength in finding things every now and then..
The latest item (one of the items)which has been missing is my TV remote (myTV is definitely jinxed,it just got repaired last to last week). There is no nook and corner in my house which is left to be searched, its like cleaning up the house for Diwali! But all efforts futile and its still missing...i wish i was gifted with RFID tags on my baby shower ! The tags would have secured my Remote and helped to me track it..
Remote is the latest as i said my mini router, my phone , his sipper, all his elder brother's stationery etc has all been gone through with this hide and seek..
How i wish they link the RFID with Motherhood as you are the most forgetful and restless of all times..and believe me with so much happening around with my hands full i can barely remember where was it last seen and neither do I have a clue where it could be...
I wish he starts speaking early to tell me the wherabouts of a lot of my possessions till then i am going to just keep my fingers cross and keep guessing where all my stuff can be...
Tuesday, April 12, 2016
The Uncalled TV detox
Day 1: Without TV
It was a bright sunny day and the 30th birthday of my dear brother in law on the April 7th when it crashed! My kids and my heart
was deeply crushed with the sight of it. I was trying with whole lot of new batteries and the buttons on the tv as well as the
remote, hoping for some magic to happen and it turns on..but all thanks to my badluck ,all efforts were going in vain. The home suddenly fely
so dull and quiet (ofcourse the background noise of my kids are always there). I didn't loose hope and thought to try my again in evening.
The evening also brought dismay and there was nothing to be done.
Day 2: Without tv
Our dear TV was suffering and we were suffering even more as we are so used to his presence, it was a friday, a weekend so the
customer care was out of reach and we din't have any other option than to just wait for the weekend to finish. With handful of two kids by your side it was hard to keep them entertained without TV.But somehow I managed with sorting the other sibling battles
Day 3:Without TV
We are missing watching tv so much,specially my younger son his favourite nursery rhymes are no longer showing up on the screen
he is giving me the remote again and again indicating to start it, it was a misery to watch crushing his expectation although
IPAD came to rescue still my TV has no comparisons. It was standing still and blank waiting for us to help.
Day 4: Without TV
The first thing in the morning i did was calling the customer care and they came and took the TV ! It is gone and we are feeling
lonely without more cartoons or songs or daily seemed so cruel and empty
Day 5: Without TV
It may take a while to get it ok may be 3 days to a week!i am so clueless to what to do if i am missing my best friend
someone who comforts me when i am down (except coffee)..someone who wakes me up to a brighter day...someone who will not mind even if i change the channels
endlessly...someone whom my sofaset faces towards..Its so unusual how we get attached to all these electronics as if it was a
real person entertaining day in and out...In the hope to hear to the customer care soon i pass my time. be continued
Thursday, March 24, 2016
Handling the Mom's factor
While writing this I am somehow managing to play Snakes and Ladders with my 4.5 year old as well as with my 1 year who is pulling my hair with all the force he could...I decided to write on being a multitasking mother.. Sometimes I wish I had atleast 6 flexible hands instead of 2 fixed ones to handle the pressure called for, in that case I could write with my two hands and the other two can cook and the rest 2 could take the tantrums of these kids..but lesser that we know what we are capable of suddenly comes in the light with Parenting.
Okay I am a stay at home Mom.. and I chose it, taking care of my kids and subsiding my career, don't be judgmental about it as I can do more things of my interest like blogging, baking, reading and ofcourse the daily chores comes a kid my Mom never thought that I would be a good indian wife because I really sucked at cooking, I hated all clothes related chores and on top of that i was in hostel for fairly more amount of time than at my home. But with time my interest flaired and thanks to motherhood to fill in the gaps.. Then and now I came a long way learning to handle so much in so less.
There are so many days when the day seems so long and tough ,then there are other days when the hugs and kisses make the day shorter...having 2 boys under one roof with one of them being a naughty toddler I sometimes ran out of ideas to make them happy as well as to keep my interests intact with the energy draining out.
I am adviced a lot of times to hire Nannys. ..cooks...full time maid..but somehow I fail to keep up with the idea.Being SAHM is difficult and it really takes everything out of you starting from your day's piece of mind to your night's sound sleep! Frankly you just lose it everyday for a while but the rest of the time, just makes up for it😊
All the stay at home Mom's don't loose are doing the best 24*7 job in the world but in the midst don't forget yourself and keep following your passion...whether it is tiniest of will soon become a place of vent out and a change!A place u will feel rejuvenated and happy about.
Monday, February 29, 2016
Wanted ----- "Compassion"

Friday, February 5, 2016
Parenting Archetype
The many manifestation we infuse in our parenting style , we still fall short to achieve the impeccable one!
Of all the parenting styles we have been seeing through the years.We as young and new parents pick up an al-a-carte of the parenting,learning largely from our own parents and choosing up the best bits from our neighbourhood,discarding the dont's and inculcating the do's to achieve a favourable parenting package.Its a mammoth task ,and discretionary too! Some are too particular and the others are desultory but still everyone is judgemental about it.
But the fact remains that you learn everyday in everyway either from your own mistakes or observing the others. Then you realise there is nothing called an 'Archetype' in parenting. Its a lifestyle you opt atleast till the 20 year project ends!One of the yogic leaders recently said that having kids is a 20 yr project, thats true too but as Indians we just keep pulling the strings until we can,because we are scared to let go off.
As a helicopter mom hovering over the kids for almost everything starting from implanting a morning ritual in kids to making them thanking God in the night before they sleep, all this to shape them up to make them what we are not today but could have been!
Parenting is indeed tricky and it grows with the stages...with a preschooler and baby-cum-toddler ,i have realised that only one way is not "the" have to hit and miss and again hit and miss and finally you catch up with the formula.
Parenting is a practice...which makes you better with time like a wine,sometimes you have to deal with it even when you have no energy to think about it, and sometimes it just flows with the criterion of being yourself.
An archetype is difficult to construct as you are restrained with people around to judge...the world around whose moving so fast...the technology around which is so demanding ....a nuclear household which entirely depends on you...a career which has been waiting for a while getting distant everytime you look at kids with an atomic absorption rate..grandparents( a great source of learning )and grandchildren so far apart that only meet once or twice a year.Basically the 2 kiddos are only on disposal of their Mom and Dad for the wisdom of life..which is unfair on the parenting part!
And by the way for the parenting package i have chosen is so far so good with the way i have learnt to relax a bit, imbibe a bit..take it slowly one bit at a time...enjoy your young motherhood and try to shape them the best you can without setting the archetype...just let them follow their heart, urge them to be grounded , imbue them with humbleness and never let them forget their roots...all the best guys and make your own archetype...Happy parenting!
Wednesday, January 27, 2016
Being Mum of 2 boys
If given a chance of another life would you choose the same life like this?? I'll say no not at all, except some reservations and particularity i am ready to keep it all!
To sail with 2 kids on a boat even the quietest of the sea becomes the roughest of all and with both of them being boys adds the cherry on the cake. There is a sudden total paradigm shift in your moods as well as your lifestyle with 2 of them by your side.
The sun rises up earlier and sets so late that a 6 hours sleep is a rare phenomenon. You have to get up when they get up and take power cat naps in between to compensate the night sleep. You cannot eat lunch later than 12 because the younger one has to catch up with his infant sleep...You can't dine out later than 7 in the night because the elder one has to catch up the sleep for to reach school on time tommorow.
Staying a country where summers reach a mark of 55 degrees and winter see a temperature as minimum of 2 degrees,technically you are stuck at home major time of the year..winters are no longer my favourite because with winters comes a tension of the kids falling sick and even if one of them falls sick, then it goes into the loop with each one of them. Summers are equally harsh with nothing outdoor and passing the time of the kiddos at home.
Its been a while i have slept a continous 6 hours sleep...enjoyed even a single meal...watched a movie in theatre...gone for shopping alone without a baggage...out on lunch date with friends...gone for holidays and even my favourite hobby of craft and writing has taken a back seat ,still i am glad about it at the end of the day thinking that how the chaos of this day has gotten over,i am learning everyday equipping my self with the art of feeding solids (whether it be singing,playing,cruising)to my one year old at the same time handling the tantrums and disciplining my 4 year old .
So much on my list with this beginning of a new year from loosing the baby belly,meditation , weaning, potty training and so on lets see how far we reach, in this new year...for now i am just looking forward to being a better Mommy..and there is absolutely nothing in the world i wanna trade for this mommy life!
Tuesday, January 26, 2016
Evaporating Moments
There are lots of moments which just pass by
And then there are some which are due for a long while
Some carry their full expression
And some which just stand by
I have some moments enclosed in my fist
Dying to crossfly
Keeping them close and warm i treasure them everyday
Because i know once i open they will evaporate away
Those small moments of love and care which gives a whole new meaning to everyday..
It seems like yesterday with all those memories building up..but remember there will be no new day like yesterday..
There are moments which mark your life imprinting its memory so strong but yet they go unrecognised with the "future planning" blinkers coming in their way..
Future unseen, unexperienced but yet so tempting that "today" is frayed
Content can surpass the expectation only if you want it to be in your mind
There are no bounds to success and no bounds to fortune but you have to choose a path which matches your definition of "right"...
This is what your whole wealth is in your human life , of how you lived with your Karma held up tight.
Making moment to treasure and keeping them as keepsakes for all your lives.
So start make moments right away as you have the moment machine and there is still not much delay..
Steer your wheels to "today",living in the moment so that you never regret any of the each passing day..
Saturday, January 2, 2016
Labelling the Intentions
Oh how i wish if God had this technology of our times at the creation stage so that he could have fitted us all with a small LED chip on the forehead mentioning the intention in the head!
Imagine the small LED strip to flash the intention you have in your mind when you speak to anyone...everything would have been transparent and clear with no grudges and expectations!
Intentions are so easily misjudged sometimes they are too much over the top and sometimes are stingrays..and sometimes you just make fool of yourself with all the varied notions in ur mind.
Sometimes because of these intentions the whole equation for example the people you know from the longest time cannot connect to you but sometimes the recent relationships click so well. The genuineness is hard to find in these misprojected intentions.
Devoid of this LED strip we can only hope to go by our heart and our deep instinct in a relationship and that might keep us away from all the fake and destructive intentions!
To moon and back
There are so many feelings which rush into my mind
Thinking about the ever changing life and about so much left behind
Its like the waves who want to run away to the beach but still merge in the sea
The way you want become someone else but you cannot be
The moon helps the wave to stay sorted as an anchor all the time
Wish had a anchor like moon too on my side
Pulling me back when it is over the top and pushing me in front when it is required
Guiding me through the world full of uncertainties,maintaining my stride
How wonderful the world would have been if each one of us have our own moon to guide
Defining us our type , establishing a kind.
Freedom of thought is all what we seek and in the process we loose our tide
Hold on to the people precious...moments memorable and vulnerable values
These are your inheritance ,they will always stay by your side.