Some or the other time in our life we come across people who are like the right fit to "your" definition of a perfect person , suddenly your whole life changes, the routine becomes peppier and life becomes more peaceful; when in the back of your mind you know is that person is there along your side.
Enhancing it further the other person also makes you believe that they feel the same intensity and chemistry to hang around with you. Its certainly funny that you believe that "this is it" and your search for that perfect person is stopped, you open your arms heart and mind to welcome this new arrival of emotions and surge into the idea of this deep relation where your mind thinks likewise and your idea of life aligns but alas! Life is not as rosy as we think about it. Y
our words make you vulnerable and makes it easy for that person to either leave or tone down. I don't know how that happens that a fraction of second can fade away all memories!
As a younger person in my life I was a dreamer someone who was rebellious and filmy at the same time, I was under an illusion of perfect friendships and other relationships I was always sure that someone will come always to pamper and rescue me in the end as I was mostly the center of attention thanks to the set of multiskills I have! But I forgot that all that attention and appreciations are generally short lived and does not survive for the lengths of time, and that I realized a bit later.
Gradually I started hating the fact that why am I so intense and why only does it affects me only so badly . I always looked for constant people and not erratic because my system doesn't accepts that. I have always been a slave of overthinking and mostly that lands me in vain, then later I thought and thought and came to a conclusion that----Sometimes we invest so much of ourselves in someone else that its hard to retrieve its like your software just crashes in the system and you are dumbfound to act, therefore its better to invest in your own self.
As my phoenix was burning to ashes I thrived and started resurrecting myself , started loving my intensity and my depth of thoughts and all of a sudden I felt liberated, as it was only me I was worried about and only my convenience I wanted to cater to. The pleasing and not being able to say no was reformed to -- suiting my convenience and saying NO as and when I could do things without stretching myself.
Current State: I am happy. liberated. Intense. Unconventional. Maverick. full of Self love . someone with no expectations
As human beings we are somehow programmed to work around a goal whether long term or short term. There are some people who just search for it all their lives and then there are some who find it easy enough. I urge you to find a goal and work around it, you will love your energy flowing in those directions rather than people and certain relationships... a goal always keeps you grounded and deep rooted to what you are and where you want to go. Pursue a goal and work hard if you also are an intense like is harder for people like us.... but we in our heart are the happiest because we don't give any less than 100 percent to anything we do.