Friday, March 26, 2010


A few years back when i was asked what i want to become
I used to say a "Face in the Crowd"
Little did i know that the crowd doesn't care !
Crowd pulls you down and makes you face denial
People come ..people just move on in life
Time heals up everything and the crowd once mattered disappears
The reality pops in which is you and your innerself
The human nature is so adaptive ..its said that anything you do continously for 21 days and you get used to it....strange!
Crowd just passes by...along with the criticism and compliments..down the line individuality does magic...
The people once so affectionate don't even remember your name
Nothing matters in life only your individuality and hearts speaks
Its mystifying that we rarely peek into our own selves..what we really want?
All this while we are doing things to woo the crowd
Lets start doing those little things to pamper ourselves
Lets start seeing good things in people around us
Lets just leap forward the crowd....and fly in the sky of our own dreams


  1. "Lets start doing those little things to pamper ourselves
    Lets start seeing good things in people around us" ..... liked this part.

  2. I liked this, First we need to start appreciate others. This is something we forgot, we only expect others to appreciate us.
