Thursday, April 9, 2020

Archives of a Memoirist

I will keep you in my heart so as my mind,
so I can feel your presence everytime I rewind.
Memories are a keepsake for life and yours will always remain with me,
The day when we said our goodbye and thou shall remain be.
I still wonder why we met if we had to part!
I still wonder why you had to leave without a word, didn't you know I was really hurt?
I was quiet even after the parting storm you created,
looking for the bits and pieces which must have been mistreated!
Picking up clues where did I go wrong, or if it was never meant at all?
or If we were too much in my head than our real life's brawl.
I am sure you have your side too, to say;
But that doesn't stop my side, to not build its way!
Your reasons must have been reasonable ,logical or grey,
I was gullible enough to believe it was only  heart and emotions that had the say!
I wanted to stand by you through thick and thin,
sometimes even if I had to ignore myself or commit a sin.
Probably the extremists like me have a deep prolong affect of everything important,
whether it was your talks,your habits or the fact you were adamant.
Your imprints on my life has left me forever longing,
they will still stay with me even if I inearth all your belongings.
Some memories cannot be taken out of your heart and mind,
they just live there profoundly making their presence once in a while.
The dark corners they stay in have flaps of  an opportunist,
that when you sit with an empty mind it mirrors your lost love in a gist!

pic courtesy:pinterest

Monday, April 6, 2020

The very "First Love"

The things we find most unconventionally and unexpectedly always make home in our heart,
So while I try to forget them all, I live with them everyday.
The deep brown eyes setting on me for the first time,
A warm pat saying that you will always watch my back.
The honest smile which always melted my heart,
Holding hands like we will never part.
The plans of lifetime in a wink of a eye,
That's how the first love feels like!
The reassurance of constantly staying beside,
Pampering me with all the little things I like.
Tackling all my mood swings and tantrum,
I was a tireless person  always with high thrum.
Never ending last 5 minutes before hanging up the phone,
All the cute texts in our newly found language like never before.
Feeling of being safe with you whenever you were around,
My first love never let me land my feet on the ground.
Always walking an extra mile whenever you could only for me,
It felt nothing less than Heaven when you were with me.
You brought the best in me, and you set me free,
Encouraging me to fly to the peak and calming down my spree.
You were more of a feeling than a person to me,
Where I felt the most happy and home as I can be.
A hopeless romantic, and someone who can go to lengths for the one you love,
I will always remember our honest and comforting "First Love".

Pic courtesy:

Thursday, April 2, 2020

A chance of a lifetime!

The audacity of the current world situation is  genuinely alarming and haunts us with loads of information from all sides. So keeping all of them in mind and going through these tedious times, let us take an opportunity to be the best version of ourselves exhibiting humility and kindness towards each other.

No other time than now on earth we would need the humility and generosity as much! It is like the whole nature is been asking you to be someone you always used to think u should be, but never got a chance to be, in your busy  life . So this is your chance to redeem,where the whole universe is conspiring to make us a better human being.

With a full stop to our busy lives we have got a world of exploration in front of us where we could explore our hobbies , our strengths,our family time. Beginning with inculcating good habits  in the young ones, to sitting together for deeper conversations with the older generation. It is an absolutely fantastic time to just reset everything we used to do and redo them in a finer way.

Ok! I know you must be thinking it is easier said than done but the options with us are really limited and this tops the list of the things we must do. I still wonder how our lives has shrunk to a smaller caliber that too on various deeper levels. The unlikeliness of the situation has been daunting us, pushing us to deviate from all our plans of earlier life, doesn't it feels like an earlier life?

A life where so many things were taken for granted, roaming around freely, hanging out with friends even going to a grocery store which is now obstructed .We are not left with anything but ourselves and hence its a best opportunity to change, not only the way we live but the  whole thought process. These times already have showed us that how temporary our world is and however much we think that we are stable and prosperous , we are always on the brink of extinction. The paradox of having been planned for next 10 years straight and fixing goals of far future feels so foolish all of a sudden when we couldn't see all this coming!

Conclusively I firmly believe that humility, kindness, gentleness and compassion goes a long way, and it shall remain till the end with us. Spurts of helps and looking out for each other is something we all should start doing, with rigorous times coming ahead. Do your bit by calling an old friend and catching up from where you left, posting positive stuff online, developing interests and hobbies, checking up on your neighbours , participating and promoting creativity even while on video calls with family,  involve in deeper conversations with your parents and offsprings, it is a golden time to bond with humanity and lets do bit by bit by eliminating the unfavourable elements and spread positivity in these fragile times.

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