Thursday, October 3, 2013

Like likelihood

Like what you what you want to do....lf u like it just do it...
Whether its weirdest of things or most unusual in nature..believe me just do it...coz every bit of it will reflect u and who u are...
Get sorted...aim for the next day...plan the time way ahead ..schedule-reschedule do whatever it takes...and do exactly u want to do..
You'll be surprised that more than half of the hurdles get cleared with only the decision of doing it! and live it and life will be enthralling you with its wondrous gifts...the serenity and satisfaction of doing spite it being just sleeping till late one morning..
We often sideline our passions and is important redeem life sometimes..
Redeem your thoughts...hopes...expression... hobbies....
Inculcate habits...plan days...prioritize  ur work order... tackle miseries...
Take up one habit at a becomes easy to creative..positive and confident
Smile and decrease the degree of the hurdles...sometimes in act liking things and u will seriously end up liking it...
A change in perception is required to change the picture...change it often to broaden ur thought dimensions...
Meet...mingle and melt with people around even with the people with  different frequencies...
Travel makes u feel alive. .take up a rocky road or climb uphill a change in the routine is highly appreciated...
So live life king positive and rule the world...

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