Thursday, May 6, 2010

Flash of the genius

Usually i am a big movie buff specially english movies..
I can do all what it takes to watch at least one a day
So yesterday i encountered an amazingly inspiring movie.."Flash of the Genius"
The hero of the movie greg kinnear is shown to have fought the court case for damn 12years just to get the recognition for the invention he did..which a company copied..
I am telling you its a treat to watch..
This guy lost everything in life
But he fought the case on his own with no lawyer ready to fight his case..
At the end of the fierce and tiring 12 years, he got the recognition and a handsome amount..
He was so confident that he could fix it ...never lost hope..just hung to it till the end..
I have read somewhere that the people who are over confident follow the rules
and the ones who are confident follow exception
I was wondering these artistic guys are so madly passionate about their stuff..
They can go to any level to make it real and going..
But somewhere i feel the same passion is shared with people with little or nothing to loose
Coz they can put in their 100 % without any fear to loose..and ofcourse the urge to get on the top as they are haunted by their lifestyle
Normal people like us have to put alot effort to get that passion..lot of fears engrave..
A lot of times we become passionate but the passion falls short in becoming a mania
and until unless it doesn't gets into the head like a mania ..things just doesn't happen
On similar lines i have also seen a movie called "Erin Brokovich"
As again it is a fabulously inspiring movie..makes you to think..don't just be another lamb in the herd..raise voice for justice..
The way passionately Julia Roberts goes all around the issue and finally helping the people with justice..
It requires a lot of courage i would say be different and stand for it till the end..
Seeing these exhilarating people..sticking to a thing ....makes me have those goosebumps..
I crave, if I can have even 1/4 of that kind of a passion to make my dreams come true!!
Do watch them if you get a chance...they are eye opening..


  1. saloni i am now forced to read your blog every day superbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb.
